Street Photography
Saturday 28 September
Downtown Boise - 10am - 2 Hours
Dragomir Vukovic
People, cafes, vendors, street merchants, buskers, historic buildings, art installations and much more. The power of observation underpins the art of great street photography. Learning to "see" interesting detail is a practised skill and we introduce you to easy methods that will open your photographer's eye and expose you to a world that is alive with detail. The most rewarding part of the class is learning how to approach interesting people and have them willingly pose for you.
We will also go over settings, focusing techniques and lens choices common to street photography to help us capture those random chance encounters.
Beginner's Photography Class
Saturday 19 October
Downtown Boise - 10am - 3 Hours
Dragomir Vukovic
Ready to learn more about your camera and get out of automatic exposure? Now is your chance!
Join us as we break down your camera to help you learn about shutter speed, aperture, ISO and how these settings affect your exposure.
We will then put your new knowledge to the test with the guidance of a professional photographer.
Nature Walk and Photography Meetup
Saturday 02 November
Central Rim - 1pm - 2 Hours
Dragomir Vukovic
Join this session for tips on how to use your camera settings to creatively capture nature in a visually interesting way. We will be looking at composition, focus, and colour.
Many professional offices and places of business have large prints gracing their wall space of things such as fields of flowers, a butterfly perched on a leaf, and a single dew drop on a rose petal. These beautiful images are all around us in nature. It just takes that special "eye" to not only see it but to capture it in a way that will turn that simple little piece of nature into a beautiful piece of art. We will learn how to use different angles, light and shadows, and settings to make subjects pop.
Effective Backgrounds
Saturday 23 November
North end of Boise - 3pm - 2 Hours
Dragomir Vukovic
You may make great subject choices, but have ever really considered your background choice? I will show creative and and inexpensive ways to create backdrops and also natural elements for back grounds as well. We will choose some subjects and show you how the right background will not over power the subject but how to make the subject pop.
Headshot Photography Class
Saturday 14 December
Downtown Boise - 10am - 3 Hours
Dragomir Vukovic
A headshot is a tightly framed face shot, typically from the shoulders up. The goal of your headshot is to clearly & creatively showcase your client's professionalism, personality, and brand. As a class, we will focus on creating headshots from the chest up with good lighting on your model's face.